Tech Stack and Libraries
MakerTime is largely based on an Apache2 licensed open source project called Screentap, by the same author.
- Rust and Swift wrappers for the OSX native libraries used for screen capturing and OCR are based on the Screentap vision_swift.swift code.
Tech stack overview:
- Written in rust
- Based on the Tauri 1.x desktop app framework.
- Ollama is used for running llama3.
- The data is stored in a sqlite database, and rusqlite is used as the rust driver.
- The reqwest library is used to connect to the OpenAI API.
- The hnsw_rs is used for embedding search to avoid re-analyzing nearly identical screen captures. (currently only used when configuring to use the OpenAI API)
- The UI was created in Vue.js.
- The CSS styling leverages Tailwind CSS.
- The website was created with Astrowind.
- The documentation was created with Starlight.