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Uninstall guide

It is a bit more complicated because the Screen Recording permissions are “sticky”, and so there is an additional script to remove that residue. In the case of reinstalling a new version, the Screen Recording permissions from a previous installation will prevent the reinstalled version from working at all (despite showing it has the correct permissions)


Step 1: Run uninstall script

If you don’t have it from the previous zip, then download a new zip, which will include the script.

Right click the script, choose Open With, then choose iterm.

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 2 10 05 PM

If you don’t have iterm, you can choose Other and Utilities/Terminal instead, but just make sure it’s showing “All Applictions” rather than just “Recommended Applications”

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 2 10 05 PM

You should see a terminal window popup that looks something like this:

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 2 10 05 PM

Step 2 (optional): 🚨 Purging data

If you want to permantently purge (delete) all your data as part of an uninstall, perform the following steps:

  1. Open Finder: Click on the Finder icon in your dock to open a new Finder window.
  2. Open the Go Menu: In the menu bar at the top of the screen, click Go.
  3. Select ‘Go to Folder’: From the dropdown menu, choose Go to Folder… or press Shift + Command + G on your keyboard.
  4. Enter Path: Type in ~/Library/Application Support and press Enter. This will take you directly to the Application Support directory inside your Library.
  5. Right-click the ai.makertime directory, and choose Move to Trash (see screenshot below)

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 2 10 05 PM


If you are uninstalling, you are finished.

If you are reinstalling, first uninstall as described above, then continue with the installation instructions, with the difference being that you can skip Step 7: Customize configuration and later steps, since that will all carry over from the previous installation.